Showing posts with label crystal children stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crystal children stories. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Crystal Children, Telepathy, Clairvoyance,an Empath , and a Phoenix

Good Morning, Good Day.
As a Crystal caregiver to my Baby Phoenix,
I have found my self constantly searching the Internet looking for Crystal Children Characteristics.
We are Curious, so ,we look for answers.
I've searched for Crystal children and Real Telepathic stories.  All my searches kept bringing up were your Crystal Children Characteristics web pages . with Telepathy listed.

Sometimes, as a Crystal Mom, I looked at what happens around Phoenix, and I feel some days  , THIS JUST can Not be happening. This is Just a Dream.. And I need to Wake Up!
There was No Dream and it is 2:30 and Phoenix is AT IT Again.

well, this past week was an emotionally mentally depressing week. I Apologize  for the negative Energy.
 But, I have A Story to Tell.
and This story is a little long, But just follow with me, or please bookmark the page,  and comeback to visit me..

My Husband has been with a Corporate Businesses for 12 years.  well, this Corporate Business has Went through Corporate takeover by Cut throat of a CEO.  Employees by the thousands have lost their Careers after this Corporate take over.  My Husband was Devoted to make his section of the Corporation a Great Success.  He being on a salary for 12 years,  Working how every many Hours and days Straight to  "JUST to get the Job Done.!" And Our Family Moved when they told us to. four times in 11 years.
This Corporation CEO decided to Reorganize My Husband's section and Many Other Sections through the east Coast .  and its not a building.
this place just has a bunch of tracks , on a huge chunk of Land, and I bet you can find One of these Tracks Near you.  WINK WINK
Reorganizing this section was Madness for  Everyone. My Devoted Husband work 30 days straight, 14 hours a day, Night Shift..

With Husband working so much, Ive been reading about Arch Angels and Ascended Masters.  I couldn't Help my self but look at their imagines on a web search. I was hypnotized. But One Arch Angel.  I spent hours looking at picture after picture.  looking at the Metatron cube. I didn't under stand why Metatron keep returning to my thoughts.
Finally, I decided to web search Metatron and crystal children.
Metatron is the Overseer of the Indigo, Crystal Children, And Sensitive Children.
Messages have a funny way to get to Me. 
and Always Remember  Crystal Care Givers, Just Listen.
anyway, my mind is here and there,  Realizing I found an  Arch Angel to call upon for Help, Aid, and Guidance for Phoenix, I felt Hope. Hope.

Phoenix has had some trouble keep Calm Lately.  If Phoenix isn't calm, you just cant imagine..
Mrs Pearl was working hard with Phoenix with yoga and Mantras.
"I am Calm"
Phoenix has been making Mrs Pearl feel so many emotions lately.
Mrs.Pearl has a strong Link with Phoenix,  and I know That is Mrs. Pearl being the Fierce Indigo that she is..
I don't know how Phoenix does It, but, he will give her a new challenge  everyday At School.
And everyday Mrs. Pearl Accepts the Challenge whether she realizes it or not. and they do the Best they can  together to  get Through His Challenge as a team.
Everyday,  Mrs Pearl never giving up!!!. working through the challenge Of Phoenix's Day.
Mrs. Pearl is the Pearl Of My Phoenix's WORLD !

here and there
Since I was a child, I can see energy colors radiating , moving , doing the energy dance.
 Night Time is always the best Time to see the Light Show Of Energy.
With Husband gone every night.I was up late in my Bedroom.
MY Room starting Lighting up at 3:30 in the morning.
A Strong veil of Bright light with Green energy appeared in my room,
 then another veil of pink purple Fell.
Let me tell you the Green energy Veil was a color I've Never seen  in my life.
That Green told me that This was ARCHANGEL  Metatron. I can feel IT
I Couldn't believe what I seeing,
ArchAngel Metatron choose to show me his Presence.
Quickly, I had to embrace what I was experiencing and  began Asking for Help 
I pleaded for Guidance for My son. I pleaded for Phoenix to find balance within himself.
Phoenix's Light. Phoenix's Dark.
I prayed to Metatron Please let Phoenix give Peace,Healing, Joy,  Hope, and Genuine Love to our  World as it is fading away   . I prayed, Let Phoenix be himself and teach enlightenment without words. I prayed , I'm grateful For All the Crystal  Friends Who were able to Find Phoenix.Which brought more Peace,Healing, Joy,  Hope, and Genuine Love to our World.

I prayed to ArchAngel Metatron, please let Phoenix learn" I am Calm"in his human self and soul.
"I am Calm"

I prayed "I am thankful for Mrs Pearl's yoga, Phoenix finally is feeling good in his own skin and vibration.

Thank You! Thank you!   Thank you For spending some time with me. love and Light Archangel  Metatron..

The colorful energy veil lifted and I went to sleep.

A couple days past, And Mrs. Pearl was having great success at keeping Phoenix Calm focusing on  their Yoga Poses.  Going outside watering their Class Plants and visiting the school chickens. smiling, happy, and even trying his best to Focus on his class work.   Mrs. Pearl and Phoenix were learning to keep a handle on  " I am Calm"
 Everyday is a new a day. Mrs. Pearl was making A Difference in my Phoenix's Crystal Spirit and Human Self.
Creating a Balance in my Child's Aura Vibration, that is beyond measure as I know it to be.
Phoenix was finding Happy days, with his balance and was loving Life. And Mrs Pearl gave him those Happy days Smiling Phoenix Days!!

Days past, My Husband still working every night shift 14 hours. Trying to make his Corporate Section Reorganized.  We were worried . This Corporation has Fired Manager After Manger.

My Husband had survived through the Cuts and was offered  a move somewhere else in the Corporation and a raise..  He came home, told me and, I was happy he made the Manager Cuts.
But, this means, We Move again!  and WORSE, Phoenix would not have Mrs Pearl.

Autism Parents, when you Find That Special Teacher, that can reach your child.  Change your Child TO using his Words, that turn to Sentences.  To being able to Calm your Child with Autism through A Melt Down..  Hello, Parents, I found a Miracle in Mrs Pearl.
I have moved several times, and finding another  Natural Talent Of an Autism teacher that can reach my Phoenix, I was Destroyed just thinking of Phoenix leaving her.
With  My Phoenix through the moves, I've only Found TWO teachers with Talent. Phoenix has been to four different schools and he  is 10 years old.  From what I have Learned, Autism Teachers are a Natural Talent!!! sure, you can get your 4 year degree, and become a special needs teacher.
But, Without the Natural Ability to Reach a child with Autism, That teacher will waste precious time!  As Autism Parents, WE DO NOT HAVE TIME TO WASTE..  take it from me, I feel like Phoenix lost a couple of years in school, just  because the Teacher didn't have the Natural Talent to reach him.
And when There isn't a Natural Talent teacher My Phoenix will  withdraw.
**Parents a Natural Talent Autism Special needs Teacher, is a Teacher that has the ability to Reach and  Pull your  Completely withdrawn , autistic child out.  and when they Come Out.
I've witnessed a withdrawn, non verbal 11 year old, with a Natural Talent Autism Teacher, create a miracle, when the non verbal Child SPOKE! Miracle Right!!!  Tear of Joys!! Only Autism Parents would comprehend the magic of hearing your child's voice after 11 years.

We were Moving, and My Phoenix was leaving his Mrs Pearl. I cried for a day.  Yes..  a day..  Lucky, my husband still had a job. Me being Phoenix's Mother, I knew it would break my Phoenix's Heart. My Crystal Child, when he Cries and he hurts, you can feel it deep in your Soul. His Tears are what I call "Finding Never Land Tears".  Seeing Phoenix Cry with his Crystal Eyes and with the most genuine heart, and the huge water swells, in his eyes.   I didn't want him to feel the Pain without Life with Mrs. Pearl.  Mrs Pearl has become far more than his Teacher, and Yoga Student. Mrs Pearl and Phoenix are Kindred Spirits.
I felt a Huge loss, of Moving Phoenix away, from Mrs Pearl.
Mrs Pearl can Reach Phoenix Like No Other.
Phoenix finally being able to grow into his Aura Vibration in comfort, through Yoga with Mrs Pearl.
Mrs Pearl has this Energy about her that Phoenix Loves. and for Once away from home he is feels good in his own skin.   Mrs Pearl's ability to help him control his Darkness , before he goes into Rage and The Hulk.  With his ability to Stay Calm, More words and Sentences.
Mrs Pearl Did this!!!!!!!!
I was in Mother mode, How Can I Take Phoenix away from the best thing that ever happened to him,.Mrs. Pearl!  A teacher that could Reach him,The Teacher who I felt was Phoenix's only hope.. 
The Teacher that  made a DIFFERENCE!! MADE A difference and a better life for a Child with Autism.
My Phoenix, My Crystal Child.  My heart was Broken in a Million pieces for you..
I wished My Phoenix didn't have to leave Mrs Pearl. over and Over..

I finally got the courage and Called Mrs Pearl, to tell her the News.. Phoenix was moving.  I was a terrified mother. I know what kind of Special Education teachers are out there..of, Course I was a basket case.. I couldn't wait to tell her in person. I couldn't have Phoenix being at the school the next day, and her not know that Phoenix was leaving , and to enjoy all the bad and wonderful moments.. I hung up, and just cried for the rest of the night.

In My Distress, Crying at 4:00 in the morning.
I asked Archangel Metatron , How Could you?? Move Phoenix from Mrs Pearl..
She is the Best thing that ever happened to Phoenix.
I Begged Arch Angel Metatron ,Overseer of the Indigo, Crystal Children, And Sensitive Children.
Please Protect My baby. My Crystal baby Phoenix..
If this is what are Destiny is, then so be it.
 But Please Protect My Phoenix

**Telepathy, Clairvoyance,an Empath , and a Phoenix ***
Mrs Pearl Is credited for Witnessing these accounts. 

Crystal Children Can Do Miracles that are Amazing and fill your mind with wonder.
And THEN Crystal Children Have Abilities that WILL TERRIFY YOU!!
My Phoenix, my love.
Every time I think about this, I need to Cry For Phoenix..

Then Something Unlike I've Never read about in a million Internet searches ,
 Crystal Children Telepathy
This kind of Telepathy is not what you think. 

 I wasn't even there For Phoenix when this happened to Him, But, Mrs Pearl was there, Thank the Gods
 Friday morning. Phoenix walked into the classroom with His Arms Open Wide, wanting a hug Just For Mrs. Pearl. He loves her...
Mrs Pearl sent me a Text with joy
Phoenix , unpacked, signed in, and sat down on his yoga mat.
Phoenix decided Out of Know Where, to Pick up his 93 Pound  Crystal class mate.
And Put him Down Safely.
Sensing Something was Happening with Phoenix
Mrs Pearl Went straight to Yoga For Phoenix

Phoenix stayed on his yoga mat, really trying to participate in yoga.
Then I receive a ANOTHER  Text "He is MAD"from Mrs Pearl
Something HAPPENED to my baby.. My baby Phoenix..

Something was Pulling his mind away, Phoenix .Fighting what he was feeling, hearing and seeing in his Mind.
He couldn't look at anyone but Mrs Pearl. Crushing his glasses,
 Mrs Pearl sent a text "he destroyed his glasses"
Phoenix then began throwing his body up and down screaming. saying "no don't hurt me" while his head was down on the floor, almost like he was about to do his head stand.

"Don't Hurt Me"
 Mrs Pearl Looking Into Phoenix's Crystal  eyes with  "Finding Never land Tears" Crying Out For His DADDY!! " DADDY"
"Mrs Pearl says to him"
"Phoenix is Calm "

"Mrs Pearl's Here"
"Phoenix is Safe"

 Phoenix was Not There, He wanted to be .. But His Mind's Eyes was Opened.
Mrs Pearl Sensed Phoenix was fighting what was happening in his mind

Mrs Pearl Wasn't Given Up.
Trying to work through it with him ", Tears streaming Down his Face Crying Out For His daddy!  Mrs Pearl  would have Phoenix take his Deep Yoga breaths., but he'd go right back to screaming for his Daddy.
Phoenix repeating "Don't Hurt Me!"

 Phoenix trying to get help to release what was happening in his mind
Phoenix stuck his feet out like he wanted Mrs Pearls's hands on his feet, And Instinct Phoenix has about grounding. Bare feet and Anyone to Pull that energy out.
Mrs Pearl gently placed her hands on the bottom of his feet and tried to rock his body from side to side like in a happy baby pose. It soothed him for a couple of seconds, then he had a jolt of energy and threw his feet up and started screaming again.
Phoenix's Body was in full adrenaline Hulk State.
There was no Rage, Just Massive "Finding Neverland Tears"
Crying out for his Daddy
This was unlike anything Mrs Pearl had ever witnessed from Phoenix,
 But, His Eyes were Different. His eyes were different a mixture of asking  for Help and Anger.
and the TEARS!

Mrs Pearl  is STILL Trying to reach him.
Using  Yoga Tree Pose and yoga Boat Pose.
My Phoenix after the Jolt , He Couldn't Fight it, and just Let go.
With Finding Never Land Tears" Streaming down His Face The entire time For His Daddy.

Mrs Pearl Sent me another Text
"I have No Idea what's Going On with him. I'm at a complete loss. I want to Cry. He was so happy when he first saw me"
Phoenix IS IN Crisis mode !!

 Minutes Later
My husband came home from work that morning,, 
With the Most Distraught, Deer In the Headlights look,
AND TOLD ME HE was just Fired From his Job.
Phoenix's Daddy had just been FIRED, after years of Dedication and Most of all PRIDE for the Corporation he worked for.

I texted back to Mrs Pearl" Disturbance in the Force I'm coming to get him Now!! Get Phoenix away from Everyone!!"

I looked at My Just Devastated Husband, a told him I have to Go!
I have to Get Our Phoenix!!!
RIGHT NOW! I just Knew!  Go GET MY BABY!

Mrs.Pearl,   STILL trying!!!!  to reach him, did a resting pose and Brought him back!!!!
Then. All Of a Sudden, Phoenix Starts Singing" Goodbye, Goodbye.."
walking around the Class ." Goodbye, Goodbye.."

I got to Phoenix has quick as I could.
I got him home, he took his shoes off.
Phoenix went Straight to His Daddy and Laid in his arms Like a Baby on the Couch for a long time.

I don't know  if I can wrap my head around what happened
 My husband  Being Fired.
But,I cried  More Tears, over what happened to My Phoenix.
Mrs Pearl and I have Both have been just Overwhelmed with what Happened to Phoenix, and Mrs Pearl Living through it with him. 

First Phoenix has Autism, and he cant really express Himself but with few words.
 But, these words are expressive

"Don't Hurt Me!"
 Phoenix was Crying Uncontrollable tears for his Daddy.
and Phoenix began Singing Good Bye Good Bye.
During this time of events. I have timed Texts From Mrs Pearl. and My Husband told me the time he was called in the Office and when he arrived home.
Phoenix went somewhere.  Phoenix was trying to Control what was happening. in his mind.
And Something Else Was In Control.

Now, if i were a normal, Autism mom, and I would just think, just another, Melt Down .
But, I'm Not a Normal Autism mom. I'm a Mother to a Crystal Child.
and Mrs. Pearl! Praise the Gods, She Helped him through. and was there trying to help Phoenix, seeing is believing!! and NEVER gave up.

What Happened to My Phoenix
 I've read and read, of Course . 
Searching about Telepathy Because its A Crystal Characteristics. looking for Answers .
I found So many websites "How to be Clairvoyant" " "Become Telepathic"
 After what Happened to my child.
 Be careful What you ask For!!
What Happened to Phoenix was Traumatic!!

But I discovered and answer.

An Empath is One who takes on Other's Emotions.
Telepathy is  transmission of thoughts or feelings mind to  mind
Clairvoyance the ability to open the third Eye, And See The Past, Present, Or Future.

Now, Thinking Like a Crystal Mother. All of the Above , happened at the same time to Phoenix.
My Sweet Phoenix Crying in Pain for His Daddy.
My Phoenix saying "Don't Hurt me" His Daddy was experiencing the Biggest Hurt of his Life.
Phoenix, who is just a  Boy, saw in his Mind Everything His Daddy was hearing, seeing, and feeling.
The worst part  Phoenix felt the Biggest Hurt of his Daddy's entire Life.

In my Search, I Found Something,
I found there is Clairvoyant-telepathy or called astral telepathy. Or Just to many *Clairs at Once!
From my reading I read when this happens, There is a Transmission of Force along the Channels of the Astral Plane.  when this happens  your astral self expands until it reaches the  astral self  of the other person.  Or Imagine your Mind expanding to reach the other mind.
When this happens you can feel and see the astral activities happening in the other person.

Realizing astral telepathy Happened to Phoenix, My human in me says oh my god.
And I laid on my Bed and Cried and Cried. Terrified for my child!
My Spiritual Self Says,
WHAT? !!!
Who in the Universe decided that was Okay ?!!!!!!
Who decided to to make MY Child Go through  that type of hurt with a god Trial at age 10?
Not only that, Mrs Pearl felt, Phoenix's  deep Hurt.
Again, and a Child with Autism.
I Begged Arch Angel Metatron ,Overseer of the Indigo, Crystal Children, And Sensitive Children.
Please Protect My baby. My Crystal baby Phoenix.. What is Happening?

I don't know if this Astral Telepathy will ever happen again with Phoenix.
Those Moments in that day will Forever be with, My Husband, myself, Mrs.Pearl,
And Phoenix. 
 after a lot of thought
 Mrs Pearl said Phoenix reminded her of
Harry Potter and Dumbledore "Order of the Phoenix "
Harry's Inner Battle
I watched it and Cried..

 As an Autism Parent, I looked into Seizures.
Phoenix, was talking, and trying to get calm taking yoga breaths during this time
and trying to  get calm , working through Yoga Poses. 
at this moment , WE don't have insurance right now, My husband Lost his Job.
I have to wait until June For Insurance, and if  Phoenix does Anything like
this between now and June   he'll be getting every test possible test looking for signs of a seizure.
this happened ,
through timing from Phoenix's dad
 the time of the texting from Mrs Pearl
 Phoenix crying out for his daddy. and saying "Don't Hurt Me" and Singing Good Bye
Remember there are No Coincidences in this World.
we pray nothing happens again this Traumatic  to his daddy.
Crystal Children Have Strong Bonds with their Parents..
The Strongest.

Mrs Pearl, Thank you for your Recount of Events
Thank you for Never giving Up that Day with Phoenix.
You are the Pearl Of Our World!!!
This Post is dedicated to you,  No one on the Planet Could have helped Phoenix through that experience like you.And Who Would believe this Post without you!!


If any Crystal Parents wish to reach out to me, but, privately.
my email

Clairvoyant (clear vision)
Clairaudience (clear audio /hearing)
Clairsentience (clear sensation or feeling)
Clairscent (clear smelling)
Clairtangency (clear touching)
Clairgustance (clear tasting)
Clairempathy (clear emotion)

 great informatiom
