Showing posts with label autistic crystal children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autistic crystal children. Show all posts

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Pearl Of My World

I have always been a huge Fan of Royalty, the lineage.  The line to the Throne.
Since, I was a little girl. I was four years old.  I imagined and Pretended to be King Tut's wife.  I wasnt playing with Barbie.  I was pretending to be Tutankamun's wife. Ankhesenamun.  Since I was just a child, I never could comprehend her name. I just wanted to be her.  Strange I know, but we are not talking your ordinary child. I remember playing in clover patches as a child and making flower crowns out of the flowers in the clover patch. opening and splitting the end of each flower, with a hole, for the next flower, to complete a circle, My Crown! A Queen!
Shockingly, In my Adult life , I always knew my Granny is a Hylton.  the Hylton's with a Y. I always refer to them. my blood lineage is From HOUSE Hylton of England.
NO, Not and kings or Queens, or anything remarkable, but Remarkable.
you can trace my Family back to 895–939 AD
I dont know many people who can trace their lineage that far back, but here I am.
Enjoying Royal History,  I love the Tudor story. Its remarkable from Henry VII to Elizabeth I
But, Henry VIII
He was so Bad but so Good.
I loved the fact that Henry VIII couldn't divorce his First wife Catherine of Aragon.
He was desperate for a male heir. the Pressure to have a Male child throughout  History is astonishing. But Survival of your  Royal house depends on the Male Heir.
House Tudor
And Bless Catherine, her only living child was Princess Mary, later Lady Mary. A GIRL
But, the Pope said Nope, no divorce.
So, Henry VIII  broke from the Pope , and Catholicism. and created the Protestant church.
Just because he needed a Male heir, Anne Boylen was Anne Boylen
And Anne Boylen is mother to Elizabeth I
I swear i cry in every version of her Story when Anne  is beheaded.
But, back to Henry VIII.  He Loved his daughter Princess Mary, so much.
Henry VIII had a hard time expressing his Love for Mary.
But,  He said this was Heard Over and Over
"Mary Is the Pearl of MY  World."
Myself being the Lover of Pearls. I own so many Pearl Strands, Earrings, Rings, different colors shapes, and Colors. PEARLS!! I love the feel of a cold strand placed round my neck during the warm months of the Year. I call it Pearl Season..

 I have always wanted to express my deep love for Phoenix, My Crystal Baby, Now Grown to 10 wonderful years on Earth..  I love you, just never felt enough.
Phoenix still has limited language communication.  I still have to remind him to use HIS WORDS, after all this time..  He just would rather not. lol
But, it came to me..
The Pearl of my WORLD!! so, I taught him,  and we worked on it everyday this past Summer.
Very slowly, and everyday, 10 times a day.
I would Point to him, and he knew Telepathically to say outloud !
it was wonderful to hear his words..
All last year i was worried, Phoenix was moving from Primary School to the local Elementary School
Autism Mothers, and Crystal Mothers, Know of the Fear of changing schools.
But, the Worst Fear is getting assigned a Teacher, that can not connect to your CRYSTAL Autistic Child.
If your Teacher cant reach your child, or doesnt understand your Crystal child with Autism.
It will be just a complete Waste!! a waste of time, TIME, that TIME thing, we cant waste a single moment of a YOUNG CRYSTAL WITH AUSTISM!! 
I was so worried a nearly had a nervous breakdown.
the last school year felt like a waste.
Phoenix got away with so much last year, just because he is Crystal, and he can manipulate you, by just looking at you..
But, the Teachers LOVED Phoenix.
At the End of the school year, one of the teachers that year had warned me that a really great teacher that would be incredible with Phoenix was leaving the Elementary school.
again,  Nervous Breakdown mode.  I could not Afford another LOST School year, With PHOENIX.
I was desperate, and Overwhelmed.

The Summer, was Mine and my Phoenix's time.
Everyday this was Our Ritual,
We garden. we grow flowers from seeds. we have a butterfly garden. and lots of Butterflies Hummingbirds stop by to Visit..
 and Of Course, while we are out with Nature
We work on the Art of Speech.

I could Just Point at him , and together we would say.

 The Summer was ending, and it was time for school again.
We went to Back to school Night and we were one of the First Parents there.
And that was a Miracle too.
Phoenix looked around his classroom, and instantly felt at home.
I watched him look at his new Teacher, He loved her instantly.
Love at First Sight for my Crystal.
And this Young Beautiful Teacher, didnt know it yet.
But, She loved him immediately too.
I knew My Phoenix would be at Home with his new Teacher.
Our new teacher was swept away by another parent.
The other Parent was Overwhelming to  Our new Teacher.
I could feel an uneasy feeling about that situation.
But, Phoenix was happy and he was at HOME.. FINALLY.

Phoenix Started school.  His teacher started each day with Yoga. And ended each Day with Yoga.
His new Young Beautiful teacher was reaching my Phoenix's spirit with the Power of Yoga.
My Phoenix was learning through the Power Of Yoga to feel good in his Own Skin.
The Human side in my Crystal Child
Crystal Children have a MUCH  Higher Vibration, Soul, than us Typical people.
I believe thats why All Crystals have Autism.
They dont feel good on this Earth. and in Human Form
They sink in deeply within themselves.
It takes that Special Teacher to Reach their human and spiritual side and Balance them.
Once the Autistic Crystal Child is balanced with themselves and their Higher Vibration,
they feel good in their skin, their BODY.
Magic happens.
Speech Happens
Behaviors decrease,
Friendship with Peers are created
Patience happens
Education happens
All of this Things through Yoga, and that Young Beautiful Teacher.

That Teacher!!
Me and Phoenix didnt know,
But, we were praying everyday for this Miracle of a Teacher to enter our Lifes.
to make a Difference
This Young beautiful Teacher is the most important Spiritual, Earthly being I have encountered.
She made Miracle advances in my Phoenix, that no other teacher could have ever reached.
I have that beautiful bunny like Energy coming from Phoenix again,  But also,  He is So much more than a bunny Crystal.
This Teacher, a Gift to Us , from the Gods, made more sense of Phoenix's abilities to me, and she didnt even know how she was guiding me to where we are now.
Me and Phoenix Prayed For YOU!
We prayed All  summer.
and She is
The Pearl of Our World!
She carries a sheer Pearl Rainbow color aura.

but that of the most beautiful pearl of the world.
In Future Post this Teacher will be known as
Ms. Pearl

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

the Self Made Vegetarian

I dont know how many parents go through this with their Crystal children?  But my Autistic crystalline child refuses to eat meat.  every evening we go through the same ritual. I fix Phoenix's plate with a tiny bit of meat on his plate. and every single night I get a NOPE!  "will you please taste this Phoenix?" he takes a fork full puts the meat in his mouth and he spits the meat out in the trash can every single time.  at least he tastes the meat, which goes in the trash.  we have have been learning over time, about his intense dislike of meat.  I have read over and over that Crystal children are vegetarian.  but,I never understood how the crystal children became vegetarian. I always just assumed the child was vegetarian  because of their parents being vegetarians.  or something like that?
my crystal child love vegetables,  you can place a piece of corn on the cob, and lima beans on his plate and Phoenix is so excited to eat. he says over and over "delicious" "delicious"
can you imagine?  I have a self made vegetarian.
Is your crystal child a vegetarian by choice?
amazing isnt it?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

dark time of the year

some days I am at a dark spot of emptiness in my self, its winter time in the mountains you know.the dark time of the year.
I am keep calling to the gods, do you hear me calling you. do you hear me calling you? you have always been there for me. I know you can hear me Now.
it will not be long now, and i will call to you No More.
My call to you will become screams. loud screams, begging you to break the curse of Autism.
it is the dark time of the year
i have lost all my thoughts and thrown them to the darkest of nights.
I do not know if Phoenix has improved. I hear his words. it seems i am the only one who understand his words.
Autism is his curse. Autism is my curse.
maybe, i wanted you so deeply madly,Phoenix. i caused your curse. my selfish love and wanting of one of my dreams to come true.
I have been told many, times, by different people in Phoenix's life. That Autistic children are gifted. I do not know what that gift maybe, for Phoenix. Phoenix's gift could be his mere existence into this world.
the warmth of Phoenix's touch. and the sweetness of his kisses.
how Phoenix came to be was not very simple. a miracle, the gift of his life. from years before conception until his birthday.
i waited so long, i will wait some more.
One day when the wind blows the right direction, I will hear three words from Phoenix. i love you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

School for Early Crystals

Phoenix has been enjoying his Early Childhood class. He has been so excited to get to school lately. he runs to his classroom every morning.
I enjoy seeing the typical children as well as the special needs children. There is a grand mix of children in this years Early Childhood class.
The Early Childhood Class should be called School for Early Crystals.
Another crystal has appeared in the class. and Phoenix Found this one. A girl. She is one of the most beautiful children I have ever seen. the biggest clue of this crystal child, she has giant light blue eyes.
Phoenix grabbed this little girl's hand during playtime Outside, and ran with her to the bench, so, she would sit with him. Phoenix rarely plays with the other children. This was a Huge moment for Phoenix. I do not know what they could have been talking about. but, they were holding hands sitting on the bench.
Then Phoenix, pushed her to the ground and ran away.
Why did he have to push her down, when he had done, so, well communicating with her.
I worry about Phoenix, does he have a conscious?
He is four years old,I remind myself. hey, its hard to keep positive when your child has been diagnosed with Autism.
I try, All reason aside, I have not cried over it.
because I am reminded so graciously from god.
the book of Thomas. from the lost books.
we were all children once.
even Jesus was a child at one time.

School for Early Crystals
Phoenix goes to school to learn social skills and speech. this little crystal biggest skill to learn in school is Patience.
Phoenix has zero patience and he hates waiting in Line in school for things. His Zero patience has gotten him second place in the lunch room line everyday.
Maybe that was his goal to begin with.
I think All People hate waiting, and People hate waiting in lines in amusements parks,we hate waiting in line at the Grocery store. lines line lines
This a normal thing, but Phoenix does not understand the waiting. He thinks things are suppose to happen when he wants them to. snap snap

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

those Shoes have Heels

very curious a crystal child is.
anything new, they wish to observe, quietly, they stare. and sometimes they make a quick move.

I went to pick my autistic crystal up from his early childhood class. everyday, his teachers give me the run down on his behavior, his triumphs, and failures of the day.
this particular day, Phoenix was still napping. and it took me a while to wake him up.
his teacher finished with the other students and came over to talk to me.
she started speaking with a giggle, "we had a volunteer helper from the high school today and she was wearing stiletto four inch heels" and Phoenix was curious so very curious.
first the volunteer went outside to the playground and those heels were sinking into the playground with every step she made Phoenix was at her feet. Phoenix was curious, why was her high heels going into the ground. the volunteer then realized maybe she should take those high heels off. then Phoenix really was thrown off. you are suppose to have on shoes when you go outside. Phoenix kept trying to put her high heel shoes back on her feet. Phoenix had never seen shoes like that before.
when the children came back inside from playing, the volunteer put back on her shoes. Phoenix was at her feet by now, closely examining the heels of her shoes.
the volunteer decided to walk away and as her heel went up Phoenix grabbed a hold of the heel of her shoe to look at the heel closer and the entire class watched as she tumbled to the floor. She went down because of Phoenix being curious.
His autism could be the reason for him being so curious about the high heel shoes.
his teacher said the volunteer learned not to wear those kind of shoes today. I cant even wear high heels with Phoenix, I bought a pair of really cute wedges, and no way can I wear those shoes out with Phoenix and those slick as glass floors.
i felt so bad as a mother. Phoenix did not intend for the volunteer to fall to the ground. luckily she was okay and laughed about it.