Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Crystal Children with Brown Eyes, Crystals in Disguise

Do you ever wonder about Crystal Children traits?
Do you wonder if your child with Autism is a Crystal child?
You will find yourself searching the web.. Finding many websites listing their characteristics or traits of Crystal Children .  The most famous characteristics and traits are their Hypnotic Crystal eyes. The Crystal children have intense eyes when their vibration, When  fully ascended and Born on the Golden Ray, the Sixth dimension of  Conscious. Crystal children  can master the power of their Mysterious Crystal eyes.  Those Crystal Eyes more can do far than, gaze into souls.

The Crystal Eye Gaze
 One ability of their Crystal Eyes is to first make eye contact ,then Through those eyes, they can check out a new persons vibration entering their world, through those eyes they can adjust how much protective light they need to Protect their  Crystal Aura. Crystal Children always need to protect themselves and their Aura.

Mrs.Pearl Is Phoenix's CHOSEN ONE.
Those Crystal Eyes are to be used for sending powerful amounts of love, to a CHOSEN ONE,  with just simply looking into their Crystal Eyes.  Having experienced my Phoenix's eye contact, exchanging our love. That loving energy was so soul lifting, heavenly, even......
my Crystal only chooses to share his Eyes and Love with very few Chosen people. Phoenix only chooses people who love him unconditionally, both his great days, and those Dark days in Return for his Genuine honest Crystal Love.

Crystal Children  with Autism can express many emotions from a glance of their Crystal Eyes, without saying a word.   and Those Crystal Eyes may have a significant role in a Crystal Child 'ability for telepathy.
Just note those Crystal Eyes have a greater purpose than just looking mysterious, and Crystal gazing into People's Souls.

Phoenix's First Use of His Crystal Eyes..
When the big  day finally came, and Phoenix was born. His birth was difficult. Phoenix , never cried.when he gasped his first breath on Earth.  I was freaking out.  Can you imagine listening to a silent room after your baby is born???? Phoenix more than made up for being silent and not crying.first , he was taken and completed his health check.
 he was healthy, the no crying thing is an odd birth. Finally, the nurses brought us a swaddled brand new Phoenix. With Brand New Wide Open Eyes. I told the nurse his father will hold him first. After all , I've known Phoenix in my dreams forever.And His Father must hold him first.
As soon as Phoenix is placed in his father's arms, my brand new baby boy,  Looks up into his Father's eyes, with his Giant Black saucer eyes.Thats Correct.
 Black Eyes.. With those Wide Crystal Eyes  gazing in the eyes of his father for the first time.  I had never witnessed Black wide open eyes on a Brand new baby before .just gazing into the eyes of his father.. while my son and husband looked into each other eyes for the first time. Time  Stopped.  I quickly sensed I was not my husband 's most loved soul in the universe anymore. Within minutes of Phoenix being born., Phoenix was using His Crystal Eyes. the crystal  gaze

Just note those Crystal Eyes have a greater purpose than just looking mysterious, and Crystal gazing into People's Souls. I will post more on those Crystal Eyes later.

  Now, use Google images and search for Crystal Children Eyes. Go ahead and take a peek Crystal  Children Eyes are a mystery, not for us to understand. In your search, Did you notice most all the Crystal Children have blue eyes??? Not ordinary blue eyes. Blue eyes belonging to incredible higher beings. At first glance of a Crystal child with blue eyes , you literally may need take a pause for a minute.
 A Blue Eyed Crystal child can not make an entrance anywhere without those

Crystal blue Crystal eyes saying hello to everyone. They cant hid.
Now, looking through the Crystal children eyes, how many of those Crystal Eyes were Brown?
 Not many.
I always thought to myself , Why would Crystal Children only have Blue Eyes..The Gods wouldn't choose only Blue Eyed Parents for these  Star Children to be born to..

Crystal  Children with Brown Eyes, Crystals in Disguise.

If you had a miracle , of  learning of the Crystal Children.
AND then you think to yourself, my child has all these Crystal Children characteristics and traits.
Could it be????
 My Child could be crystal ?
Everything makes sense about your child finally...
But,, My Child has just average Brown Eyes????
and you're stuck just wondering about the possibility of it all ?
From just Life with Phoenix, I have seen many different Crystals . Always a Crystal with Blue Eyes though..
 Always A Blue Eyed Crystal blasting indescribable Light through their Magnificent  Eyes.  Crystal children born with blue eyes  can't hid their eyes from the world. It really helps to answer questions about lack of  Eye contact in Autism. Blue Eyed Crystal Children with Autism would need to shield their eyes. Making forced eye contact could be painful for them.

The Light that you Shine through your Brown Crystal Eyes can't be seen.

If your a mom, and you have a child with autism, and you have been searching for more answers.  And Searching for More answers about Crystal Children.  Searching because of those Brown Eyes.
Crystal Children with Brown Eyes are here.
And if for some miracle,
you the reader ,
 were searching today and found this blog post.
Still wondering about your Brown eyed Crystal child? You found my blog post for a reason.
Hooray! You have your answer.
Your search for answers lead you to this Blog Post for a reason. You have a Crystal Brown!!
Phoenix has Brown Eyes! Phoenix is a Crystal Child.
 There is no doubt.
 A Brown eyed Crystal.
A Crystal Child that has Mastered his Crystal Eyes.
Phoenix knew he needed his eyes covered before I did.
All Crystal Children need to wear sunglasses to shield their Crystal Eyes.
From my many observations of different Crystal Children.
Unlike The Crystal Blues,
The Crystal Browns are rare.
Not only that. Crystal Browns can choose to be a Crystal child in Disguise.
Not even the Best of the Best of the spiritual light workers could detect them.  Phoenix has the ability to hid with the power of his Crystal Eyes.  Crystal Browns can turn their  Crystal vibration ,so, low , and undetectable.  But, when the moment  comes, A Crystal Brown,and Their Chosen One in the Universe will show their Crystal Vibration.
The CHOSEN ONE  is spiritually connected to the Crystal Child, and very likely to be an Elder Indigo. and also a Light Worker.
When the spiritual Connection is made,  Then  their vibration slowly starts , to start shining light , now they can be seen, because they choose to be.
Yoga can benefit both Crystal Brown and Crystal Blues,
But a Crystal Brown needs daily Yoga therpy . Yoga helps to slowly align their  chakras, and  helps with Tuning up their Vibration..
 Yoga is therapy for any child on the Autism Spectrum.
 But Crystal Children with Autism,need Yoga as much as they need water and air.
I've witnessed with my own eyes,  Yoga can Heal, even the Crystal Children locked safely away.
Phoenix hides his Crystal Aura. He always has.
Most Crystal Children can be detected in seconds from a light workers glance. Even the most famous gifted  of the Light workers couldn't detect Phoenix.
 Never within a glance.
And every Crystal Brown , I've ever had the miracle of meeting.
all their Crystal Aura's were vibrating low. I often had to meet the child and think and think , and it came to me later."  OMG that was a Crystal Child with Brown eyes."
Crystal Blue's are Everywhere, I can Detect Blues with Little Effort.

I have encountered a few Crystal Children with Brown Eyes.

Crystal Brown's....   A Crystal Child with Brown Eyes..  Clues...

Those Crystal Brown's eyes can turn very dark and  become reflective Black Mirrors .

You can see them adjusting their Pupils of their eyes. their Pupils appear to take over the entire Iris. Making the Eye  Appear Black, a Dark endless Portal.

If you get a chance to experience a Crystal gaze with a Crystal Child with Brown eyes, you will be able to see yourself reflecting back in those Crystal Eyes.  Just like a reflection in a mirror. You see yourself in their Eyes.

Crystal Browns often reflect sparkling STARS in their eyes.
 Seeing stars in Crystal Children's eyes are a gift from the heavens.
 Stars in Crystal Children's eyes can be captured in certain photographs.
If your lucky enough to push your camera phone button at the correct moment.
and without a Flash.

MRS. Pearl. A CHOSEN ONE. An Indigo
Mrs Pearl guides these Crystals With Yoga, and yoga every day, their Crystal vibration starts to become detectable. Growing even more comfortable with their Crystal Vibration within their human body.
with Mrs. Pearl's Love, Yoga, Patience, trust.  Leads to Comfort .
And By the Will Of the Gods,a Crystal Child joining in Yoga, who is born on the Golden Ray..
 A Crystal Child Born on the Golden Ray is called a Golden Crystal.
A Golden crystal carries  a Crystal-Golden Aura
That Crystal Child born on the Golden Ray, can help lift a hidden Crystal Brown's vibration. Healing their Vibration, enhancing their  Vibration, and spiritually guide them through adjusting to their Vibration by the use of their Aura
 But , this Crystal Child, ( you know who he is? lol)
 who just happened to be a Golden Crystal, by Birth,,    looks like a Child with Autism. No Bells or whistle about him.  and He's even a Brat sometimes..
 But, He needed Daily yoga Therapy With Mrs. Pearl more than you can imagine,  to Learn to  Stay Calm through Yoga. before Yoga. Meltdowns and rage were Atomic...
 this Golden Crystal also needed to find his Crystal friends to help him heal .
To Heal  from being alone for so long..
 His First Friends of his entire life.
Even though he has a Golden-Aura. He needed his barely vibrating Crystal Brown Friends, more than they needed him.
that  Golden Crystal became a   golden Beacon ,asking for Crystal Friends, to  please  Come out.

And very slowly,
those Crystal children with Brown Eyes. the Crystal Browns. 
One by One,
They  would make their appearance.
Finding Each Other.
 Becoming Friends.  Yes!! Friends!!
Friendships. and someone whose is just like them.
Happy Crystal Children playing,learning and growing together, being friends..
But, the best part, These Crystal Children no matter their Aura Color ,Crystal eye Color, the strength in vibration.
Crystal Children Need All their Crystal Friends.

During Mrs. Pearl's guided yoga ,
 the crystal children are together ,
as Friends.
Doing their Yoga poses together. Calming each other first. Encouraging each other.. calming themselves, and then all together, relaxing  their Crystal Aura, in comfort together.
Those Crystal Children lift each other Up when their together!!!
And when their Crystal Auras are lifted Up together,
For a moment,
Their at peace with their Whole Crystal Selves.

Using Yoga as a Crystal Group's  purpose of working their vibration together.  , in spirit and on earth.
 Crystal Browns TOGETHER,can Show their True selves to Each other, without Fear. 
A Crystal Child with Brown Eyes!!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Crystal Children With Autism , The Yoga, The Healers

As an Autism Mom. if your child has Autism.Give yoga a try . that's right.
Kids inclusive Yoga.
A special needs Yoga class for children with Autism.
I have a whole new Sense of wonderment with Yoga .
I had the chance to be an eye witness of the advances Phoenix has made this school year with Yoga.
Mrs. Pearl is the one person who reached Phoenix.
Mrs Pearl with her daily Yoga time.
At school.Three times a Day Yoga.
Imagine seven special needs children, on their very own yoga mats, in a circle
Calming and Soothing themselves three times a day with
Yoga is exceptional in calming and Soothing children on the Autism spectrum.
Calming their Sensory needs.
 But the yoga must be consistent, everyday.
Mrs.Pearl is connecting with her students. Unlike any other teacher, I've encountered.
With yoga, Crystal Children and Autism can find themselves.
And feel good in their own skin, for the first time.
When Autistic Crystal Children feel good in their own skin,
Miracles Happen.
Their body and soul feel like they can finally co habitat together.
I watched Two beautiful Crystal Children with Autism, start to feel better.
I watched Two Crystal Children, calming sensory overload with Yoga.
Mrs.Pearl guiding her students to be calm with Yoga.
"I am Calm"
"I am Brave"
"I am Smart"
But, something else was happening through Mrs.Pearl yoga.
As the Crystals became little Yogi's together.
Together the Crystals practicing their Yoga poses.
I watched the Crystal children healing themselves together as they go through Yoga.

A famous Author known for her books and seminars on Crystal Children.
I cant really mention the Author's name. But, A quick internet search, can give you clues to her name.
I have read from her books about Crystal children's God given ability of healing people.
Healing An ailment of another person ,
one after another
Crystal after Crystal healing the  Sick,
 Ailment after Ailment. Healed.
Laying hands on a relative that is bed ridden. HEALED
And God Bless them for their healing abilities, and the life's they have changed

The Crystal Healers
Phoenix attends a kids inclusion yoga class on Sundays.
And when I wait on the steps, waiting for class to end,I could sense the incredible healing energy through the room
And it made me think. And think
Those crystals are here to help each other Heal.
Each Crystal carry  their own vibration, their own energy.
In yoga that vibration energy is transformed .
With healing energy
One Crystal to another.
Maybe, Crystals are here to heal the sick.
But, in thinking in a Brand New way.
The Crystal Children with Autism can heal each other through, yoga. Yoga Reaching deep in the soul with beautiful healing love.
 the Crystal Children with Autism ,Together,  slowly, slowly,slowly heal their needs. Whatever their needs are.
 With Yoga.
Mrs Pearl's Yoga.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Their Weapons are their Crystal Eyes

My Phoenix's eyes have always been light sensitive  , it seems.  As far back AS I remember, as soon as Phoenix could grab a pair sunglasses and could get  the Sunglasses on his face he was wearing them.
Sunglasses as Daily wear are a Must for my Crystal Child.  As an Autism mom, its hard to figure out what in the world a toddler with zero speech, needs to feel better.
Autism Crystal Children have an overload of sensory happening.

If you could quite One sensory, to help make your Crystal Child with Autism Feel better in Their Own Skin.  Try a pair of sunglasses.
All crystal Children on a Much Higher Vibration than us typical people.
My Crystal baby was blinded when he went into Walmart.
I always thought, it was the Hum of the Lights, or maybe the brightness of the Florescent Lights.
That was putting him into sensory overload, which leads to a Meltdown.
It was rough going when we have Baby/Toddler crystal children with autism.

 The telepathy between parents and children can come in to play, but when your Autistic crystal child are a baby through the Toddler stage, you as the parent are going through a transformation Right along side your Crystal Baby, trying to figure out this earthly place.. So, Us parents could miss somethings, and that's ok. Its Okay! I promise.

For Some strange Reason, Since , Phoenix was a Brand New Baby, he has attracted attention.
Rather, the attention was positive or the attention negative.  A typical Person notices  him within moments of him entering a room.  Now, that's  he is 10 old, he makes it a point to let everyone know, Im Here! But, he never has to say a Word. and with Autism,  Phoenix, just would not talk, unless I remind him.
You dont even realize that Phoenix has sucked you in until its to late.
But, When all eyes are On you at Once, and sporadically as you make your way through a walmart or
even Now, we are talking a 10 year old in elementary school.
All the Children Know Phoenix's name.
"What's Up Phoenix?"
How He does this, Maybe I"ll think on it, if that tells you anything.

Phoenix has to cover his Crystal Eyes with sunglasses.
Extra dark black sunglasses.
When he figured out, Sunglasses are amazing,
His life Changed, One of his Sensorys calmed.
Its never going change for Phoenix, All their Eyes will be curious.
Who knows where the Curious Eyes come from.
Phoenix feels better, no matter where he his, with his sunglasses on.
if we are at a restaurant, glasses on,  grocery shopping sunglasses, school sunglasses.
Phoenix didnt want to make eye to eye contact with .Typical people
When Phoenix makes Eye Contact with you,
His eyes can Pierce you.
With Light and Dark Arrows.
When He was a Baby/toddler he didnt really have a Handle on , All those eyes.
The Sunglasses covered His Crystal Eyes.
Cover those Crystal Eyes.

Now, Phoenix, can pull His sunglasses down , and Show his Crystal eyes.
Only when he decides.
He Uses his Crystal eyes as a weapon. Look Away. Enough!
Phoenix can also Give Great Love with his Crystal Eyes if you have been chosen, and he lowers his sunglasses for you.

When you study characteristics of Crystal children, they're so shiny with bunny like energy.
Some Crystal Children ooze their light energy.
And they are so kind and loving
Not knowing and just wanting to be themselves, the crystals need to learn how to Protect themselves.
Protection in form of a weapon, is their Crystal Eyes!
Those Crystal Eyes need to be covered.
Some children with Autism, may not be able to keep the glasses on their face. Sensory sensory are everyday.
But, you can only hope and try a new idea.
Crystal Children might benefit more from sunglasses.

I would like to note. In your internet searches, I"m sure you've seen  Lots of Crystal children with Bright Blue eyes. and Maybe your Crystal has Blue Eyes.
The Crystal Children with Brown eyes Exists.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Pearl Of My World

I have always been a huge Fan of Royalty, the lineage.  The line to the Throne.
Since, I was a little girl. I was four years old.  I imagined and Pretended to be King Tut's wife.  I wasnt playing with Barbie.  I was pretending to be Tutankamun's wife. Ankhesenamun.  Since I was just a child, I never could comprehend her name. I just wanted to be her.  Strange I know, but we are not talking your ordinary child. I remember playing in clover patches as a child and making flower crowns out of the flowers in the clover patch. opening and splitting the end of each flower, with a hole, for the next flower, to complete a circle, My Crown! A Queen!
Shockingly, In my Adult life , I always knew my Granny is a Hylton.  the Hylton's with a Y. I always refer to them. my blood lineage is From HOUSE Hylton of England.
NO, Not and kings or Queens, or anything remarkable, but Remarkable.
you can trace my Family back to 895–939 AD
I dont know many people who can trace their lineage that far back, but here I am.
Enjoying Royal History,  I love the Tudor story. Its remarkable from Henry VII to Elizabeth I
But, Henry VIII
He was so Bad but so Good.
I loved the fact that Henry VIII couldn't divorce his First wife Catherine of Aragon.
He was desperate for a male heir. the Pressure to have a Male child throughout  History is astonishing. But Survival of your  Royal house depends on the Male Heir.
House Tudor
And Bless Catherine, her only living child was Princess Mary, later Lady Mary. A GIRL
But, the Pope said Nope, no divorce.
So, Henry VIII  broke from the Pope , and Catholicism. and created the Protestant church.
Just because he needed a Male heir, Anne Boylen was Anne Boylen
And Anne Boylen is mother to Elizabeth I
I swear i cry in every version of her Story when Anne  is beheaded.
But, back to Henry VIII.  He Loved his daughter Princess Mary, so much.
Henry VIII had a hard time expressing his Love for Mary.
But,  He said this was Heard Over and Over
"Mary Is the Pearl of MY  World."
Myself being the Lover of Pearls. I own so many Pearl Strands, Earrings, Rings, different colors shapes, and Colors. PEARLS!! I love the feel of a cold strand placed round my neck during the warm months of the Year. I call it Pearl Season..

 I have always wanted to express my deep love for Phoenix, My Crystal Baby, Now Grown to 10 wonderful years on Earth..  I love you, just never felt enough.
Phoenix still has limited language communication.  I still have to remind him to use HIS WORDS, after all this time..  He just would rather not. lol
But, it came to me..
The Pearl of my WORLD!! so, I taught him,  and we worked on it everyday this past Summer.
Very slowly, and everyday, 10 times a day.
I would Point to him, and he knew Telepathically to say outloud !
it was wonderful to hear his words..
All last year i was worried, Phoenix was moving from Primary School to the local Elementary School
Autism Mothers, and Crystal Mothers, Know of the Fear of changing schools.
But, the Worst Fear is getting assigned a Teacher, that can not connect to your CRYSTAL Autistic Child.
If your Teacher cant reach your child, or doesnt understand your Crystal child with Autism.
It will be just a complete Waste!! a waste of time, TIME, that TIME thing, we cant waste a single moment of a YOUNG CRYSTAL WITH AUSTISM!! 
I was so worried a nearly had a nervous breakdown.
the last school year felt like a waste.
Phoenix got away with so much last year, just because he is Crystal, and he can manipulate you, by just looking at you..
But, the Teachers LOVED Phoenix.
At the End of the school year, one of the teachers that year had warned me that a really great teacher that would be incredible with Phoenix was leaving the Elementary school.
again,  Nervous Breakdown mode.  I could not Afford another LOST School year, With PHOENIX.
I was desperate, and Overwhelmed.

The Summer, was Mine and my Phoenix's time.
Everyday this was Our Ritual,
We garden. we grow flowers from seeds. we have a butterfly garden. and lots of Butterflies Hummingbirds stop by to Visit..
 and Of Course, while we are out with Nature
We work on the Art of Speech.

I could Just Point at him , and together we would say.

 The Summer was ending, and it was time for school again.
We went to Back to school Night and we were one of the First Parents there.
And that was a Miracle too.
Phoenix looked around his classroom, and instantly felt at home.
I watched him look at his new Teacher, He loved her instantly.
Love at First Sight for my Crystal.
And this Young Beautiful Teacher, didnt know it yet.
But, She loved him immediately too.
I knew My Phoenix would be at Home with his new Teacher.
Our new teacher was swept away by another parent.
The other Parent was Overwhelming to  Our new Teacher.
I could feel an uneasy feeling about that situation.
But, Phoenix was happy and he was at HOME.. FINALLY.

Phoenix Started school.  His teacher started each day with Yoga. And ended each Day with Yoga.
His new Young Beautiful teacher was reaching my Phoenix's spirit with the Power of Yoga.
My Phoenix was learning through the Power Of Yoga to feel good in his Own Skin.
The Human side in my Crystal Child
Crystal Children have a MUCH  Higher Vibration, Soul, than us Typical people.
I believe thats why All Crystals have Autism.
They dont feel good on this Earth. and in Human Form
They sink in deeply within themselves.
It takes that Special Teacher to Reach their human and spiritual side and Balance them.
Once the Autistic Crystal Child is balanced with themselves and their Higher Vibration,
they feel good in their skin, their BODY.
Magic happens.
Speech Happens
Behaviors decrease,
Friendship with Peers are created
Patience happens
Education happens
All of this Things through Yoga, and that Young Beautiful Teacher.

That Teacher!!
Me and Phoenix didnt know,
But, we were praying everyday for this Miracle of a Teacher to enter our Lifes.
to make a Difference
This Young beautiful Teacher is the most important Spiritual, Earthly being I have encountered.
She made Miracle advances in my Phoenix, that no other teacher could have ever reached.
I have that beautiful bunny like Energy coming from Phoenix again,  But also,  He is So much more than a bunny Crystal.
This Teacher, a Gift to Us , from the Gods, made more sense of Phoenix's abilities to me, and she didnt even know how she was guiding me to where we are now.
Me and Phoenix Prayed For YOU!
We prayed All  summer.
and She is
The Pearl of Our World!
She carries a sheer Pearl Rainbow color aura.

but that of the most beautiful pearl of the world.
In Future Post this Teacher will be known as
Ms. Pearl

A Long Absense, And The God Trials


I am sorry about the absence.  Sometimes I just need to step back and look around and Walk my Own Path..  But I really don't know. last School year, Phoenix has had some intense moments with his Teachers.  Almost breaking a Teacher's Nose,  He has no control over his anger once that emotion is engaged.  My child is overwhelming strong..  After the hurting the teacher nose, He was so angry,  he started picking up chairs and throwing them around the class in Rage..  This Anger and Rage came from Phoenix completing a Goal and the Teacher taking him to his Next Goal completion  before receiving his reward for completion..
The teacher went to Hospital to get her nose checked, I felt terrible .. and wondered if the teacher felt afraid Phoenix .
I always warn all teachers to keep at arms distance, I knew of his strength,  but I never wanted him to hurt anyone.   My Phoenix went from this sweet loving child, and in one moment , He became an enraged Hulk. as soon as the anger faded, he was back with us, that sweet child again.
Every time I thought about it, I cried
I went through a period of depression after Phoenix showed his Anger, Rage and Power. That adrenaline thing he has.
My faith in My crystal was waning.  I've meet so many Crystals, with moving around with Phoenix's Dad's job, and relocating.. I've always seen different Crystal  Children on the Autism spectrum, with the beautiful bunny like energy.
My Phoenix was No Bunny!!   I knew he possessed a very high Vibration.  but with so much rage and anger in him,  he could not just be.
I decided to take a Long Absence from this crystal blog..

Walking MY Path
throughout my life, spirituality as been apart of me.
I started out as an enchanted child
I could always see energy colors at night, when it was dark, imagine static on your TV. Moving brilliantly fast through the darkness of your bedroom.
I always thought what I saw was normal. Until I spent the night over at a Friends.
her room was just black in Darkness.  It was strange and I was afraid..
Ive never lived in a house without some paranormal activity.
it was pretty much expected in my life.. If a ghost isn't in my new house, ghost usually find me.
I don't mind really.
I've always been sent Spiritual Trials from the Gods.
I learn my lessons from the Gods themselves.
No certifications,NO church, No Workshops, and mostly without reading.
Enlightenment just happens.
My last Trial has lasted over a year.
And One of my most Interesting Trials.
I was a Sent A Dark Energy Trial
It Pains me so much to talk about this God Trial.
And the most important Trial of my Life.
The Trial, began with a Recurring dreams, Of Course.
In my Recurring dream  a Dark Entity was chosen, and his duty was to come into my dreams and create nightmares.
This Dark Entity was of course A Demon. But We will just call him an Entity for today.
The Nightmares took place in Silence, except for my screams.
The Nightmares and the Entity were so powerful, that after I woke up from a nightmare , my bedroom in the dead of the night, was completely lite up . I could see my entire room..
I could see this dark entity showing himself in my bedroom doorway.

This Dark Entity took me to School.  Lol
Every Nightmare was different but equally terrifying
Often I would be dragged from the bed and just blasted with the Dark Energy. Like i was being suffocated .
Each evening could be an easy nightmare, or just horrific.
The entity was reaching parts of my soul, that I did not know existed.
The last Nightmare was the worst of All. The dark Entity decided he wanted me all to himself.. And that Dark entity was not going to give me up and wanted more of me than I could offer. And he took whatever he wanted anyway.
Ive always had spirits attracted to me. Spirits, ghosts, gnomes, Fairies, even Demons.
But this Entity was the most Powerful ever sent.
It was time for me to say goodbye to my Dark Entity.
another Night, another Nightmare.
But, this time, I heard a whisper , in my dream.  You can do this, you've always been able to .
The Entity started with his torment.
But with my strength , my spiritually abilities, and my power of Energy.
I had enough.  I forgot who I was for over a Year. I enjoyed being reminded.
The Gods reminded me of my Abilities on All sides of The Veil.

On Earth,
In the Light of Spiritual Energy,
and the ability to Hide in Darkness, and harness the Dark energy.
All at my Will!.

I was done with this God Trial.
The Dark entity entered my dreams one last time.
I hid in the Darkness of the Nightmare. This entity had just been awful to me.
 Imagine The Most terrifying Haunting thing, and this Entity Destroyed me with it
But, It was time I defeated him. I was Done with him in Anger. And in Defeat.

 In The Darkness of my nightmare, I created a deep  black hole of energy.
The Eternity thrived in the Darkness.  He loved what I created .
Sitting in the Darkness, loving my essence in the  Energy, melting with the dark energy
I in a moment, raised and absorbed the colorful bright energy from the Light Side.  I absorbed the Light energy through my feet and quickly moved the energy to my hands and then released the Light into the Darkness where the Entity was .
I wanted a Really good look at this thing.
The Dark Entity was so Overwhelmed with Light, he was disoriented and confused.  My spirit Aura grew Fives times over the Entity . I was an overwhelming Giant compared to the Entity,
The Gods must have not informed the entity of My Spiritual Connection within the Realms.
and My Spiritual Connection to the Gods themselves
The Gods wanted a Battle and a Trial for Me.
And a Battle  and Trial is  what they Received.
I was so Angry at At this Etenity
I wanted to Rip your Esscense From Your Existence. Bashing whats left of you to the ground
Over a year of Torment.

I took this Entity, This Dark Energy, and I just absorbed him deep within my Soul. I sucked him in so fast that this Entity had no chance of surviving the God Trial.
I stole From him what was he was Stealing from Me, Day after Day Nightmare after Nightmare.
I took Everything away from this entity.
I felt my Whole Spirit Vibrate and My Spiritual Aura, Soul and Energy grew more Massive than what I ever imagined Possible.
The Dark Energy felt so Powerful, So Overwhelming, I felt the strength of a thousand men.  I wanted to live in the Dark Energy for Eternity.  But, I knew, I could not, and this was a God trial
I was so Angry at At this Etenity
I wanted to Rip yout Essence From Your Existence. Bashing whats left of you.
 But, I took a second
 The Dark Etenity  sent to me as a Trial,  The Entity Taught Me I can Not Destroy Apart of my Spiritual Self..
I had to Let him Go, The Entity, That tormented me, Tortured me, and did things to me, that I can not even Speak of.
 The Entity Knew I had Won the Trial.  and He was defeated.And my True Self was shown.
We Then said Our Good Byes One to another.
I then took My Golden place at the Stairs,  looking up to the Gods.

Another Day another Earthy Story
My Step Daughter came for a Visit. Bringing a new Boyfriend. My step Daughter's Boyfriend was interested in the Metaphysical universe. so, Of course my Step daughter explained to her Boyfriend I was, WELL, ME!!
Of course he was curious. So, For Some Unworldly explanation. I decided to show him the power of an  Energy Transfer.  I didnt know this guy..  But,  for some reason I needed to get to him.
My step Daughter was Happy.  But, This Guy was off. 24 years old no employment, no car, had nothing.. they had been together for 3 months. I was watching him literally suck the life from step daughter. as, she was paying for him and her.. and this guy had zero Class..  Not worthy of my Step Daughter..
in the beginning of our visit everything was going Well, with the Two of them.
The guy enjoyed conversations with me. about metaphysical things.  even the Dark.
She was so Happy
I took my step daughter shopping, and told her..  He needs to get a job and take care of the Princess you are.  Stand Up to him, get a job or get to stepping.
 and then this Guy showed his true self with anger towards my Step Daughter.
I knew this was going to be bad.
I knew I must get him Away from her.

When they left after the week, they were still still fighting.
When they made it home.
things went from Bad to Worse.
He tried to Choke her, and she was terrified for her cats, afraid he would kill him.
Then Fear came through me!
But, nobody, gets away with messing with what I love.. No one..
Then My Rage..
with my Rage comes Get Force.
My step daughter took him Out.  Like Out the Door.. Dragging him through her house, with great strength.
after everything calmed down , maybe weeks . my husband asked me, What did you DO??  What did you say to her when you went to shopping, because everything changed.
I thought about it.
Then I felt him. My entity. MY Entity.

then Another JUST Day
me and Husband have been married for 18 years.
Everyday isnt going to be sunshine and Roses.
we had a terrible terrible Fight.
My rage lasted an entire Week.
One night I was intensely Angry. Level 10++
Husband was in the spare room.
I realized how wonderful the Rage and Anger Felt.. It was so much more Powerful than the Light.
I decided to turn out the lights. Darkness
After all this could be a learning moment.
I felt the need to go to a corner of my room.
Still enjoying the Darkness.
I felt Him. My Entity!
He Came for a Visit..
After all I was so Dark at that moment.
I asked Him, Was that you?
He knew what I meant.
He nodded Yes.
Thank You!! Thank You! I replied to him.
I even bowed to him Once. to show him my gratitude.
Which I bow to no one.
But, He saved My Step Daughter!!
This Entity belongs to me. He works for ME.
But, Now, I know!
And I love Him.
God Trials !!

Now, I can go back to being a Crystal Mommy,
God Trials!!
I'm Me Again. Among the Universe
Phoenix, my Great Love.
Mommy had to take an absense for a reason..
But, Our growing did not Stop.
Our Growing and Spreading the Gospel Of Crystal will never End!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Innocence is Bliss

NO one can take his innocence away,  from the heart and soul of my crystal child.
I have a Great Aunt, that prays everyday that typical children will not hurt or make fun of Phoenix.  She always says that children can be mean and cruel to someone who isn't like they are.  and she is correct..
But, Phoenix has no idea if a child is making fun of him, or if they want to play with him.
He is so pure and innocent.  He doesn't have a mean bone in his body.
everyone who comes in contact with Phoenix, just receives the most kind and honest energy.
No one, No child can take his innocence away with their cruel words..  
Typical children can be monsters to different children, especially special children.
Why does God allow these devilish actions?
Autistic children are angels brought down from heaven, maybe that's why they are faced with devils.
When an Autistic child speaks, listen..  Life can be so hard, so difficult  for them.  When they choose to speak,  listen to the pure innocence.
In a world of Autism,  In a world of Heaven,  in their world of Hell..  Life with Autism is hard..  
A typical child with their cruel words can never take the Innocence of a crystal child.
There is no need to shelter your crystal child.
No one can take their innocence.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

soil, seeds, water,sun, and time

My little crystal loves to plant flower seeds..   and water the seeds, and to watch the seeds grow into flowers.  its his most favorite thing to do...   I know that every seed he plants,  he loves to feel the soil between his fingers.  he knows it takes time for the seed to sprout..     we go outside twice a day to check on his flowers.     I can see the joy in his eyes,  with every seed, all the soil,   his watering can...   and then there is time..  time to watch the seeds grow.. 
 If I had an acre of land,  he would have a flower in every corner,  every space..
the sun has been on our side,  as he doesn't exactly know what the suns purpose is..
I love everyday with him outside.
If I could make the summer last forever I would.  I save every memory every moment  of every warm day with my crystal..  someday, when we are lucky we have a rain shower.  and Phoenix is guaranteed to find the rainbow in all things...   Most of the time looking out our giant picture window.  he sits on top of the couch looking for a rainbow,,,,,,
for every seed he watches,  every seed that grows into a flower, becomes a Treasure to him.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

There's just that Something!

There's just that something about Crystal Children.  They do not mean to,  they wish to hide, but shine through brighter than typical children.  Children love to be close to Phoenix.  we can go out shopping,  dining in restaurants, picking up the groceries.  and children migrate straight to Phoenix.  most of the time Phoenix is wearing his dark sunglasses, as he has an aversion to bright lights.  I will often hear children saying" What's Up?  Phoenix will drop is glasses down from his eyes for a moment, and make brief eye contact with the child.  and he simply bows his head to them.   I've seen him engage children like this over and over.   maybe its Phoenix's deep sense of royalty,  his ancient soul ,something within him.  I know he knows he is different..  I wish for a day or two he could be typical.  and not be so over whelmed with his entire world.
I hope he understands there's a reason why he is here.  he can not disguise his autism, his crystal.  I wish he had  freedom from his Autism.  he listens so carefully to everything,  his favorite item to listen to is his mechanical watch.When he gets sensory overload  with the world,   he often puts his watch up to his ear and listens to the sound of his mechanical watch tic, tic, tic.just like a heart beat..  it calms him
there's nothing more beautiful and serene than his calm nature.
its not my job to understand Autism and crystal children,  but it is my job to make sure Phoenix is Calm and at peace. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

my recurring dream came true.. for Phoenix

my baby angel was a wish  a dream that came true.  I prayed everyday for you my son..  my infertility was tormenting me everyday,  cursed..  i felt...
 I would dream of you, recurring dreams of a blonde haired brown eyed boy..  I thought  my dream would never come true..  all I wanted  was to sleep and dream, just to spend time with you..   but, then I was sleeping my life away..  I only felt alive in my dreams..  I still remember in my dreams of you, the swing you and I played on.  Push me mommy ...  the dreams were so real.  then I would awake and I would cry because I could not be with my son..  I loved you..
I fell pregnant after eight long years of dreaming of you.I was pregnant and the dreams stopped.  tragedy happened to me, .  I remember being at the doctors office and the ultrasound showed no heart beat.. my heart shattered and was destroyed..a Miscarriage..  the reoccurring dreams began again..  My son had returned to me in my dreams,  and everytime I woke up I wanted to die..  waking up every morning was the hardest emotionally.. 
I fell pregnant and once again I felt alive again. I felt I could live again.I was pregnant again and the dreams stopped.  I was so scared.  I was still scarred from the last miscarriage...   I needed my dream to come true..  every week of pregnancy I felt I was blessed....  I thanked God everyday  for my gift of  pregnancy,
 I was in my 16 week of pregnancy , it was a saturday afternoon ..  I went outside and all of sudden I felt a powerful force of gravity and dizziness, pulling me straight to the ground. I passed out and crashed to the ground...  I awoke minutes later and I crawled to my porch steps barely holding my head up. and crawled inside..  I could not understand what had just happened...   my next doctors appointment was monday.. and then again I was shattered with another ultra sound..  my baby was gone, no heartbeat..  GOD took my son from me that Saturday afternoon.  God stole my beautiful boy,God stole my heart,God stole my soul...  why..  I never felt a greater grief,pain..  I was broken..  I just wanted to hold you, I wanted to play with you on the swing in my dreams..
the dreams began again..recurring,  my blonde haired brown eye boy..  I found myself in the deepest of depths of depression..  I was sleeping a lot of my time away,  just to dream of you and spend time with you in the alternate dream world.....  but then,  I would have to wake up.. 
I believe I was being punished by god...  god was being so cruel to me...  taking both of my children from me..  I could not stop crying,  I was un consolable..  a million different hugs couldnt help me..
my broken heart would never heal..  I still cry for my children,,  I miss them so deeply..  I know they would have blonde hair and brown eyes..
the days lasted forever, but I did fall pregnant again..   I was terrified..  but Everyday of pregnancy was joyful.  every week felt like an eternity..  the doctor told me not to get excited until after the 16 week of pregnancy,  but even then,  I should be guarded..  I remember using a pendulum over my pregnant belly, to make sure there was still a life force in my belly,  the pendulum spun in strong fast circles this went on for hours everyday..  I was so scared for me and my unborn son..  I received specialized prenatal care during this pregnancy with ultrasounds every week.. every week I would see your tiny hands,  your tiny feet..  and your strong heart beat..  I was so nervous with every prenatal visit,  thinking the worst but hoping for the best..    during the last pregnancy odd things would happen to me..  I would hear the whispers in my mind..  I dont know what or who it was,  but I knew my baby was going to have Autism.  I heard the whispers of Autism over and over..  I responded with,  just make him beautiful..  please just make him beautiful....after all my grief and loss of my babies,  I didnt care about the Autism..  I just wanted him to be here..  here with me, on this earth.. eternity passed and you were born..  when you were born you didnt cry.  you did not cry,  not even a whimper.  i could not hear you,,  I started screaming, is he ok?  and of course with your giant black eyes, I instructed the doctors to place you in your fathers arms first..  and with no crying and your giant black eyes looking eye to eye with your father..  I finely felt like I was in a spiritual heaven,..  you were born with brown eyes and black hair..  your hair quickly changed to blonde...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

another Autism Melt Down

Autism,  Phoenix is a blessing,
with Phoenix's growing age,  his melt downs have becoming fewer and fewer.  but, my gosh, when he has a melt down he has to let the world know about it,  or at least everyone in Walmart on a busy Saturday afternoon. 
from the moment he walked in the store he starting melting down.  I tried to soothe Phoenix through the melt down but he needed  to melt down and burn like the Phoenix he is.. Could you imagine having so much energy?  so much sensory overload within yourself , an energy you did not understand, but then amplified because of sensories.
some parents maybe think about keeping their child home, and protect and prevent your child from having a melt down in the first place.  but, I believe if we keep trying to De-sensitize him,   Maybe, one day, Phoenix's melt downs will be behind us.
He was doing so good in public places,  it had been a couple of months since his last atomic melt down..     So, we keep trying to De-sensitize Phoenix,,,  and his melt downs are becoming fewer 
I know How hard it is to the parents and the child faced at a Melt down at any moment during an outting..  my gosh, It is a rough life just living in fear of a Melt down. I have had those awful stares from people  during a melt down..  they cant help but to stare back at us. sometimes, people look at me with pity,  sometimes people stare because they are curious.  after all,   you rarely feel your eardrums vibrate your ear like that and from a  small child. sometimes people just stop and look at me and smile....  I try not to make a lot of eye contact during a melt down in public..  I keep my eyes focused on my  child..  I can hear their thoughts when I look at the people close seems like All Eyes are on us, and they probably are..   I bet people wonder what is wrong with him.  I try everything to calm him,  but I do not give up..  In our world there is only you. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

the green grass between his toes..

Lately, as warmer weather approaches,  Phoenix takes his shoes off and tickles his toes in the green grass.  as the world turns and turns again,  I found our family in sunny Florida last month  at an outside memorial service.  the St Augustine grass in Florida is like beautiful soft green carpet.  I could not keep Phoenix's Shoes on.  All he wanted to do was to be in the grass.  I guess,  he needed to ground and recharge, but he did it his way.   I didnt have to do a thing.  there he is was with his shoes off laying in the grass.  he then stood up and looked at me and then he looked to the sky, and said to me "Mommy I love the grass and I love the Sky."
I said to Him "I know"

Thursday, February 6, 2014

is it to late

no one expected Autism.  what could I do?   is it to late to say I'm sorry???.      Your eyes  I get lost in,  are so big and bright..  please dont bother,,   you're already here..  I'm sorry. but I wanted you to be here so desperately.. I did whatever I could do..  how would I Have Known you were going to be born into Autism,  but I did..   your first words were so soft,but barely there..  ,
now, its me,, I'm Not here..   lost in a different world..  please try to find me..      as I found you......I still believe in miracles...  a tiny miracle is found in all your words  everyday..  

I feel like I am so lost, at times.. Autism sucks you in,,  like a black hole, caught in the universe..  there isnt to much escaping from it..  All day,  and sleepless nights. its a good thing I have insomnia myself, I guess that's why my crystal was born to me..  

a while ago, people should not even bother to find me..  but, this, Shelly StarZZ.. is still here.for you and the rest of world..
Autism, and a Crystal,,  I could cry..  when you walk into a room filled with people, most people with awareness, stop what there doing immediately,  just to take a look,  or get close to you..  the people do not understand,  they just think you are a beautiful boy,  and are drawn in with your giant black eyes..
what can I do, except but to let people share the world with you..

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Moving days and Tactile sensory

Our family has just completed our relocation  with my husband's work.  I was so depressed and full of anxiety leading up to the move.  I was so worried about Phoenix moving houses and changing schools.  Phoenix was going to an Autism school before the move. I thought he was doing okay. but, then all of a sudden his tactile sensory has been off the charts.  Phoenix has been driving me crazy with this tactile sensory overload.  My hair is in a bun on my head because Phoenix cant keep his hands off my hair.  I've tried other sensory toys to try to help him with this sensory.  but nothing seems to work right now.  except my hair and anybodies hair he can get his hands on.  it has been tough.  his teachers at his new school have to wear their hair up too.  geez,,
Phoenix has always had strong tactile sensory overload.  When he was a baby, he would pull his hair out and roll his hair between his fingers. Then Phoenix discovered fluffy from a couch I used to have.  He would tear a hole in the couch to get the fluffy out. then his hair finally grew out.
I just hope  his sensories calm down because it has been tough especially since Phoenix experienced a sensory overload to a Christmas family get together.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

the Self Made Vegetarian

I dont know how many parents go through this with their Crystal children?  But my Autistic crystalline child refuses to eat meat.  every evening we go through the same ritual. I fix Phoenix's plate with a tiny bit of meat on his plate. and every single night I get a NOPE!  "will you please taste this Phoenix?" he takes a fork full puts the meat in his mouth and he spits the meat out in the trash can every single time.  at least he tastes the meat, which goes in the trash.  we have have been learning over time, about his intense dislike of meat.  I have read over and over that Crystal children are vegetarian.  but,I never understood how the crystal children became vegetarian. I always just assumed the child was vegetarian  because of their parents being vegetarians.  or something like that?
my crystal child love vegetables,  you can place a piece of corn on the cob, and lima beans on his plate and Phoenix is so excited to eat. he says over and over "delicious" "delicious"
can you imagine?  I have a self made vegetarian.
Is your crystal child a vegetarian by choice?
amazing isnt it?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

1 in 88

I cant believe out of all in the children in the world,  I was lucky enough for Phoenix to be chosen to be 1-88.
1-88 for Autism.
Chosen for Autism. I know we fly through life being different, and being viewed as not one of the normal.
I make my wish upon a star.  I wish, he could be normal for a moment, and wonder what would normal be like for Phoenix.
but, that would not be my son Phoenix.
I waited for you for so Long,
I cant believe I am one who was chosen to be Phoenix's mother.
I cant resist your smile, I stare into your eyes,  and a love so deeply only the Gods would understand.
I love when Phoenix hugs me close and I give him that squeeze around his back to make him feel better.
night time comes and I tuck you in, with all your blankets piled high.
think of 88 children called to line up row after row child after child.
 and One child is chosen. chosen for Autism.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Autism Strength

I find it ironic, just how many tales of Autism , Autism and super strength, that  I  have heard.  I never really thought about autism, strength and Phoenix.  but, I am here to share his story.
just after Phoenix's first birthday, he suffered his first double ear infection. Phoenix was prescribed is first antibiotic medication.  soon after his first dose of the liquid medication, he broke into a severe allergic rash, all over his tiny body.  I new something was wrong and rushed him to the doctor and he was prescribed another medication. On, his first dose he began fighting me but he took the medicine, he was only 15 months old.
Six months later, at  two years of age Phoenix developed another double ear infection and a very high fever. I tried to give him a dose of fever reducer medication, and he spit it all over the floor. In a panic I called the doctor and rushed him to the doctor's office.  Phoenix was prescribed a liquid antibiotic medication. I didn't think much of it.  I went to the pharmacy and got his medicine, I couldn't wait until Phoenix would feel better I thought to myself. His prescription medicine was filled, you know the bubble gum pink stuff. 
I rushed home to give Phoenix his first dose of medicine.  Thinking to myself, he is going like this pink bubblegum medicine.  but, to my amazement,  Phoenix spit the medicine back at me. he refused the medication.  I decided maybe to mix it with milk and Phoenix refused it, then we mixed it with soda. He would take one sip and hand it back to me.and still, Phoenix refused his medicine.  I was in a panic and called his daddy to come home and help me. Maybe his daddy could convince Phoenix to take the medicine.  but, to my sorrow, Phoenix refused his daddy.and Pink bubble gum medicine was everywhere, where Phoenix had spit it all over the place.  All I wanted was my son to get well.  filled with worry at this point as Phoenix's fever spiked even higher.  I ran a cold bath for him, while his daddy called the doctor. I managed to get his fever down, I grabbed him, dressed him, and we rushed him back to the doctor's office.  Phoenix's doctor recommended a shot of antibiotics.  We had no other option.  My son was in horrible pain in his ears by this point and his fever was creeping back but higher.
well, this was first clue of something different, as the nurse came in with the shot, with my son being very sick at this point. He began to fight his daddy.  Phoenix was terrified of the shot and his daddy could not hold Phoenix down for the shot. another nurse came in to help hold Phoenix along with the doctor,his daddy, and me at Phoenix's feet. All to get the antibiotic shot administered to my son. Phoenix weighed only twenty pounds at this age.  can you imagine how me and his daddy felt?  we were relieved he had an antibiotic in him, but we were confused at what had taken place between Phoenix and his refusal of all medicine, and him fighting and resisting the shot, and the strength it took to fight the doctor, his daddy, the nurse and myself.

when the time came for Phoenix's autism diagnosis, as per protocol Phoenix's autism doctor wanted to study and test  Phoenix's DNA to check for genetic mutations.
oh my goodness, it was time for a blood draw for the DNA test.  you would have thought Phoenix was fighting for his life, kicking and screaming, me and his daddy thought back to his antibiotic shot, and told the doctor we will need more help to get Phoenix's blood drawn.  it took two male nurses, the doctor, and his daddy to get this blood drawn. all I could do is stand out of the way with no expression.  I just wanted to hide from what i just saw.  Who was that child?  Phoenix became something I had never seen in him before. His eyes looked like black saucers filled with rage and strength.
from this point  on in Phoenix's childhood, at two years old, vaccinations,  were almost impossible.  it was the same drill, his nurses knew the deal with Phoenix, it  was going to be a fight, and he always needed at least three nurses.

I remember back to when Phoenix attended Early childhood his teacher and teacher's aid would tell me over and over, how strong he was. during his meltdowns was when he was at his strongest.  I found myself apologizing a lot for Phoenix's melt downs.

Even when Phoenix was simply playing with me, if we are playing tag, whew he gets so happy and excited, when he tags me I can feel a sting through my entire body. CHI

Now, that Phoenix is in a Private Autism School, I've heard more about the Strength of Autistic children. especially during a melt down situation for the child. it seems these children have the ability to tap into their adrenaline at any moment. When these children tap into their adrenaline, its an amazing sight.  I would like to compare this to the Incredible Hulk.  get ready for the Hulk.  they're just happy sweet children, then when something just isn't right, or they can not get their get their point across, or just don't get their way. expect to see an incredible transformation. from angel into a melt down. you wonder where your child goes? your child's strength has tripled like the Hulk. My Phoenix will fall to the floor during a meltdown and with all my strength I can not pick him up off the floor. he fights me with an incredible intense strength. there is no reasoning with him.  I can only hope to talk him through it and overwhelm him with my love, and I wait for my son to return. when he finally gets through the melt down.

 One day, I went to visit the autism school.  One of Phoenix's class mates was upset. It was incredible because he was fighting his teacher with intense strength, all over a stuffed animal he wanted to carry home.  I do not understand what these crystal's see in their stuffed animals, but they just love them. and you dare not take them away. or expect to fight.  I guess the stuffed animals make them feel better.  I do not know, but Phoenix's full sized bed is loaded with at least twenty stuffed animals and he loves every one of them. 
I am always so nervous when I visit the Autism school.  I never know what to expect.  All these children are exceptional! I believe Crystal children are our genuine Mutations .  All with their special abilities and non abilities. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

dreams of Autism

How many times must I Repeat this.
Some many people ask me I How felt, when  I received Phoenix's Autism diagnosis. most can not believe,  I did not feel sad, devastated, where there tears?  no tears.
I have always been just grateful to God,  that Phoenix was here.    He was a miracle, a real in person miracle.
I remember nights when I was pregnant, and I could not fall asleep, and I was alone by myself.  I could hear the whispers. the whispers, Your son will have Autism.  as I drifted to sleep, I said in my dreams, I can handle Autism, just make him appear. make him beautiful.  please, in my dreams I pleaded to the gods to make him appear like everyone else.

Autism is like stepping over Mountains, its an enormous leap. but, Phoenix is here
He was so little when we received his diagnosis of Autism. Phoenix was just two years old.

Monday, July 16, 2012

New Autism School

Phoenix has been going to his new Autism school.  I have even let him enjoy the school bus. My crystal baby is becoming a Crystal Child.
I cant believe Life is happening this way.  I always wanted Phoenix to live a normal life,  but he is not a normal child.  I have tried and tried.  Parents of typical children never know what this is like.
i think often that maybe Phoenix is the new Normal.
more and more of the children are being Born with Autism.   Does God have a Plan for Our Sons? 
Emotional but unemotional children.

the autism school sends home a journal everyday with a little a note.  most reading, Phoenix ate his sandwich and raisins.  He is so smart,  bla bla bla
it has been to school for fifteen days, and his journal always reads. He is smart.  but, what in the world is he doing to be called smart on most every journal entry.
sometimes i feel like the Autism School is just being nice in those journal entries.
isnt that the way it goes.

lately Phoenix has been driving me nuts.  He has learned how to use the remote control.  and he loves DVR.  he rewinds his favorite shows over and over.  he does learn to say new words this way. that repetition thing.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Power Outage and Autism

what a couple of strange days we have had.  we had a powerful storm roll through the mountains leaving millions without power.  electricity....
poor Phoenix.  autistics are so routine driven,  most autistics want their day planned the same everyday,  it builds comfort for them  i guess.  but, my gosh,  Phoenix did not understand why he could not watch his precious TV.   He kept grabbing the remote and pushing the buttons and nothing would happen for him.  shew,  Phoenix had the ultimate melt down.  it was already really quite because we didn't have any power and it was dark.  Phoenix was fine with the darkness, but the no TV.  his voice was vibrating the walls.  there was not anything i could do to calm him.   his meltdown felt like an eternity...  screaming, fist pounding madness.  a temper tantrum five fold.
Phoenix finally calmed down,  he gave me a hug and started playing with a flash light.
and he was happy again.  then daddy went and got a generator, and Phoenix could watch a dvd movie.  he was so happy, laughing and giggling watching TV. Phoenix's daddy became a savior in the eyes of Phoenix.  finally something normal, while going with out power and cold showers.
it took a number of days before the power was restored and some people are still sadly without power.with millions without power i know some of the people have a child with Autism.  my goodness what a total upheaval  in routine. i prayed for a lot of patience...
 and one gallon of bubble juice help Phoenix make it through the boredom.  bubbles are wonderful, ya know?
 Phoenix is almost balanced back out and back in to routine.  he still doest understand not going to school.  the autism school closed because of the power outage.  he was ready for school this morning. 
he sadly took off his shoes and sat on the couch with me and watched the morning news.
I made him his favorite breakfast. plain  toast and one box of raisins.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


can you tell me if this life is fair?
I wish I knew.
as everyday passes I feel more and more disconnected from  my family. maybe they think of me sometimes.
I dont know why. autism maybe.
People always fear what they do not understand. but a family I do not have.  its pretty sad.
It came clear to me when asked at one of Phoenix's meetings with the school board,  Do you have any kind of support system,  or family to help you out with Phoenix? I smiled and looked at my husband, and we shook our heads no.  No one, just us.
I do not mean to be to so disconnected. 
I feel that love went away when I moved away.  Out of site out of mind.
All I have to talk to is you, and the rest of world.
I wish my family just had a minute with Phoenix in his own enviroment.  He is brillant beautiful child. and I wish they wanted to get to know him.  time just keeps speeding up, every minute going faster and faster. before we know it time is up. Phoenix is already five.  I often think, maybe they just do not want to know him. it hurts. I try to understand how people become so self absorbed with themselves. I will never understand.
nothing is ever easy.
has Autism disconnected me too?

I will move on now. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

brown liquid

I have not ever been truly scared in my entire life.  but, autism scares me.  i know i am not suppose to feel this way, but i do.  some days a strong regression shows in Phoenix.  he becomes a different child when he drinks any type of cola beverage.  Phoenix calls it brown liquid.  after he drinks a sip he slips away.  it almost a allergic reaction.  he drops to the floor and starts spinning in circles like a demon possessed child.  and he starts grinding his teeth...     its strange.  this beverage that most people have tasted once in their life,  the bubbles,  the yummy of it all.  everyone enjoys a soda every once in a while.  some people have this soda every single day. Phoenix, who i wish could be normal just a little bit, can not have even  a taste.  can you imagine no brown cola in your life? its pretty simple for most of us.  Autism is not. Phoenix is not. being  Crystal is not.
after just a sip it took Phoenix three days to recover.  no more soda in the house for sure.

Monday, June 11, 2012

another planet

Phoenix has developed a new sensory issue.  teeth grinding.  if you have ever watched any of the Predator movies,  the Predator makes these crinkle sounds.  and that's exactly what my child sounds like when he grinds his teeth.  if you did not comprehend by now,  Autism is a new discovery and new adventure, whether it be positive or negative every day.  Even though Phoenix loves routines,  every day is different.

I do not grasp the teeth grinding sensory.  I wonder what it means for him, every time he grinds his teeth and crackles.

have you heard about these new children,  the crystals, and autism?
are these autistic children mutations?  mostly boys.  born for a reason  beyond our  imaginations,
 intensive strong children, some born  with autism have zero emotions. some born with autism feel no pain,  some born with autism have no words.  some born with autism have an incredible memory.  in the years to come, the future,  we will learn more about these children. why do they have these abilities and why we do not?  maybe we should not try to cure autism. maybe we will learn more from these children.
it is June of 2012.  what will we learn next about these autistic crystal children.

when you see one of these children, you will meet autism, a miracle being though.  these children are so different than the typical children.  Phoenix barely acknowledges other children his age.  he always chooses to play alone or on a another planet.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Star's revenge

I am be confused,
I have spent seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, and centuries,  thinking about you. wondering about you.  somedays you would appear to me.  in my thoughts, in my prayers and dreams, of you.
why was I one of the thousands of mothers to be chosen ?  I do not know.  maybe, because I love  his father, like no other.

I already know,  you hear my prayers and my cries.
I know people since Ancient times, have kneeled and prayed to you.
what if I never thought of you again. what would that be like?
If I never said your name again, would you notice?
My Sun My Moon My Earth..
I know I  can be a driving force of energy, that Ball of fire, I am from another World. that Star.....
I have given you myself, but you leave me alone.
my heart crashes some days,   it makes me so blue.  I have no one.
Worshippers have cursed the gods since  the beginning of Religion.
Curse the Gods.  Would I? of course.... 
I know the Gods need Us. without our prayers and thoughts and even without our cursing the gods, without that energy you, God .. would dissappear and become nothing. Dissapear just like I have.  too long ago and too far apart.

Autism can be cruel, Autism can be a blessing. stealing my son's ability to communicate is cruel. Autism is emotional somedays everyday.  Autism isolates us.
I have to own a special reserve of Patience for Autism..  my Patience can never run out in Phoenix's Autistic world.parents of autism understand this.  why dont you?  why dont you have any patience for  a minute of my world?
I hear you complain, when their was only a few moments spent with you.

 it can be a lonely ..  you know how lonely I must be.
always something better over there. Somedays I need Love and Not for you to turn, around and run and listen to someone else.  Always ready to love and give yourself to another, they need you more I guess.
I know, a  Present from you, would be nice, but I would prefer some simple  Bliss, even someone elses bliss...passed over again.  for someone else or something better. story of my world  it seems.
Oneday,  I hope you cry. and feel something, anything,  from my spiritual level.

we are not even speaking,  unbelievable.  is their any chance for us?  you clearly do not need my love.
I already know,  there will never be a day.  when i talk to you,  you seem to need  me,  i know better.
somethings should never be said.
 you must  confuse me with another..  the damage done to my heart, well, when it comes to you I have  no more tears....  damage,  you do not have to say i love you.  God, i wish you were not real.

time will always move forward.  and when that day comes when you need me, I do not know where I will be.   maybe I will pass you by and your heart can hurt ,like my heart hurt.  you pass by me over, and over.. always something better over there... how could  you keep passing me by, the one thing that you are suppose to love until forever?  you kept passing me by. how many times,god,  will you pass on me.  you have left me crying all alone on the porch .. so, so, many times. when all i had was you.  everyone knows it too. People watched you Pass me by.......  
I cant wait for you to cry and for you to feel some sort of pain or heart ache. i cant wait for your heart to ache, like my heart has been inflamed by your ability to pass me over with zero guilt.
 If  you never heard my  voice again..... would it matter? probably not,  there are so many others that praise you.

I miss you  ,you whisper .. I hear,lies, lies,  who are you talking too??  not me, that must have been that other girl.
I do not even know her anymore.

 I dont need anything from you and I need everything from you.  but you dont hear it..  you have made me live my life without you.

Now, so many people know me... and you have know idea..

with the days new sunrise maybe. I will think of god with love again. and once again praise you.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Open your Heart and Your Mind to Autism

another season Ends another one begins.
the little Phoenix is growing up so fast.  He is a Giant among his height, in strength.
Phoenix has been accepted into Summer School at the Autism Center.
He needs to learn to Blend in with today's modern society, and at the Autism Center they will  teach him these skills.   these skills, in which the typicals are naturally born with.
I try to smile about Phoenix going to the  Autism Center.
I know I am on my Own with this.  Phoenix's father has a difficult time accepting  Autism.
Its to Hard for him to handle,  leaving me feeling  alone with you.
its hard sometimes for me too.  I just want  Phoenix to feel normal. and feel...
the school system where we live  give  children test to enter into jk.
In Phoenix's first ever school test,  the little fellow, tested into  Junior Kindergarten.
But, because of his lacking of social skills, and lack of patience for anything,  he will start school this fall at the Autism School.  Autism  is very difficult to wrap your mind around.  I have encountered ten autistic children over the last couple years. Every one different.

Open your heart and mind to Autism,  I always tell Phoenix's father.  His father has a hard time with acceptance of Phoenix's Autism.  I understand, he is not the only father to feel some sort of loss. the love of a father to a son is one of the greatest forces on Earth.
this love of a father to a son has ran deep since Ancient times. Since ancient times,  from Pharaohs, to  kings, to an everyday father wishing for his son to takeover the family business..  A father Always wishes for a Son.especially a first born Son.the desire to have a son is  very strong.

 Our reality is, Autism,  just sneaks up on a crushing hammer.  the father already had dreams of his son, from school years, to military service,  to becoming a contributing adult to society. Beginning with the Autism Diagnosis.  All your dreams come crashing to the ground at  that very  moment of the autism diagnosis.
and the father is Left with Wonder??
he wonders if he will speak?
he wonders if I will ever hear my son  say the words... I love you
he wonders if he graduate High School?
he wonders if my son will ever get married?
he wonders if he will have a friend?
he wonders....
he wonders.....
it hurts for a while.
but then you realize the miracle,  the miracle your son is here.
 In a new Age and a new day dawning. Different but the same.  the new crystal children are here.
Most in disguise..and some are Brave. blazing a  trail.
you know,  i often get a chance to wonder myself.
I wonder why most Autistic children have difficult time understanding conversation
I wonder when will people figure out that these Autistic Childen, are here for a reason, maybe we shouldnt try to make them blend in with  Society.
I wonder why the sudden increase in  Autism  diagnosis.  1-55 Boys.
Imagine lining up 55 little boys in a row.  and One of them will be diagnosed with Autism.
These children are here for a reason.
I wonder,  are these Autistic Children  real earth world mutations?
I wonder why Phoenix loves Hugging trees..
I wonder why Phoenix loves the rain
I wonder why Phoenix loves Shapes.
I wonder , how did he get so strong
I wonder why other Autistic children love me,  one I met even calls me mama.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

the insomnia of my life

its was past midnight and i could not go to sleep. that insomnia thing often takes hold of me. my life long problem of drifting to sleep.
it last to long, insomnia
i wonder ...while i lay in my bed, and stare down my hallway. it seems a lot of things manifest there
i wonder, as i try to fall a sleep.
if i had not waited so long for Phoenix
i dont make the rules.
I have taken so many chances, but that's how life goes.
believe me, the Sun in your eyes makes life worth living. Phoenix
i dont know how but i can read your mind.
i try so hard to sleep.
the dream is to drift away.
just for a day.